Rise Daily: March 18

Rise Daily: March 18


Public Faith – John 4:27-42

This week’s sermon from the series “Where We are Going: The City and the Mission




Memorizing scripture is a way to keep God’s word close to our hearts. Each week we will select one verse of scripture to remember as a community.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.




Each day’s devotion will focus on one part of the week’s passage.

John 4:38–42
38 Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days. 41 And many more believed because of his word. 42 They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”




In our busyness and distraction, it is easy to skim through our reading rather than taking it in. Yet we believe this is the inspired word of God. Take a moment to pause, thank God for the scriptures and ask him to speak to you through them today.

The Samaritan woman couldn’t help but leave her work behind and run to tell her townspeople about her life-transforming encounter with Christ Jesus. The townspeople, in turn, left their own work behind to see him for themselves. When they encountered Christ, they believed.

This story is a great example of the economy of words that often characterizes the gospel narratives. The writers lay out the bare facts and often leave it to the reader to consider the implications. In this particular case, the simple plot lines are anything but simple.

The Samaritan woman had every reason within herself to shy away from being public about her encounter. Her encounters with men were the very subject of her shame. Why invite more? Her neighbors, by the same token, had reason enough to dismiss her. Why didn’t they? Because this encounter was different, and her fellow townspeople could see it. There was no judging or jeering, but a compulsion to go and seek what she had found.

What compelled them? Probably a combination of things. First. there was the woman’s fearless transparency. Her neighbors must have wondered, “How on earth has she overcome her shame, to speak like to us like this?” They had to be curious at the very least.

But there was also the power of her simple report: “He told me everything I ever did.” The unspoken implication being, “and he didn’t judge or condemn me!” In other words, it was something about the nature of the person she was describing that was magnetic. He spoke truth, but he spoke it with compassionate grace.

There is something doubly persuasive about the message of Christ’s healing power when it is shared by a person who has been noticeably impacted by it.




The Rise season is not only a defining moment for Redeemer, it can also be a defining moment for you. We can’t reach a tipping point by making Redeemer bigger, we need a people-driven movement of New Yorkers sharing the gospel in our neighborhoods, workplaces and relationships. Consider how God is calling you to rise and share your faith.




For your Heart: Similar to how God used the Samaritan woman’s testimony to open hearts to receive Christ, praise God for how he used others in your life—or is currently using Christians in your life—to share the good news of the gospel with you.

For your Church: Pray that we would be a community of individuals seeking to experience personal encounters with Christ as the wellspring to sharing our faith with others. Pray we would learn to share our faith in natural ways that express the joy and satisfaction we find in Jesus.

For our City: Pray our city would be renewed by many Christians who step out in jubilant appreciation for what he has done to bring renewal.




Our vision is a city renewed by the gospel. This vision needs all of us.

We are calling on everyone at Redeemer to rise and say “I’m in” to pray, engage, and give as part of a gospel movement for the good of the city. Are you in?


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